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What are Fat Dissolving Injections?
Fat dissolving injections are made up of certain chemicals that cause lipolysis and dissolve the unwanted fats from e certain parts of the body.
Fat-dissolving injections needed multiple shots to get the desired result. It has to be applied to the fat-containing regions.
The FDA-approved and most commonly used fat dissolving injection is named Kybella. When applied to the fat-containing areas, it mimics the intestinal fat absorption system and destroys the unwanted fat.
There are not many side effects of fat dissolving injections yet, but some people may experience allergic reactions.
This article discussed fat dissolving injections, their uses, side effects, how they work, and many more.
Structures of Fat Dissolving Injections
The fat dissolving injections contain modified bile acids such as deoxycholic acid.

Deoxycholic acid is a secondary bile acid. It is produced as a metabolic byproduct of intestinal bacteria. The intestinal bacteria metabolize the Cholic acid ( a primary bile acid) into deoxycholic acid.
The IUPAC name of the deoxycholic acid is (3α,5β,12α,20R)-3,12-Dihydroxycholan-24-oic acid
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How do Fat Dissolving Injections work?
Fat Dissolving Injections mimics the intestinal fat absorption mechanism. The bile acids are secreted in the intestine to digest the fats from the fat-containing foods.
The bile acids may include;
- Cholic acid
- Chenodeoxycholic acid
Fat Dissolving Injections includes a secondary bile acid deoxycholic acid, that destroys the food from a particular region where it is injected.
Both Kybella and Aqualyx work by this mechanism while the Kybella is FDA approved but the Aqualyx is not.
The excess fat that is broken down by the Fat Dissolving Injections and the chemical used for these injections are processed out from the body through our lymphatic system.
As the lymphatic systems are finite and that can process a certain amount of fats and chemicals at a time, the fat dissolving injections need multiple shots to get the desired effects.
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Do Fat Dissolving Injections work?
Fat Dissolving Injections Works properly in most of the person and even without any severe side effects. Some people may think to give up Fat Dissolving Injections after one or two shots.
One or two shots and not enough for the fat dissolving injections to get the desired effect or enough effect to get noticed.
Fat Dissolving Injections need multiple shots to get the desired result and to work properly.
As these injections work as a normal metabolic process so there is nothing to be ordered to get multiple shots of a fat-dissolving injection.
The procedure of Fat Dissolving Injections
The fat dissolving injections do not require any anesthesia, however, the anesthesia can be used if the patient is irresistible to the pain and prefer the anesthesia.
Before applying the fact dissolving injections specs are applied to the targeted area to make that area numb. The fat dissolving injections are injected into the areas in a particular pattern.
It’s usually a pain three or a mildly painful procedure depending on the person’s pain resistance.
As it takes multiple shots on a particular region to get the desired result the patient had to follow up regularly.
It’s a quick and easy procedure and can be done in the outpatient department without admitting the person.
Fat Dissolving Injections aftercare
Fat Dissolving Injections Does not need any particular serious aftercare. The recovery period is not much, but it may take 6 to 8 weeks to get the desert result.
In the meantime, it is not necessary to maintain a particular diet or lifestyle. The result cats smoother and sharp if you do not gain weight during the recovery.
Doctors may prescribe you painkillers if you are feeling a little pain, redness, or swelling.
Some patients come with an allergic reaction, so they may prescribe anti-allergic medication.
You can leave the hospital almost immediately after the procedure is finished.
Where do Fat Dissolving Injections work best?
Fat Dissolving Injections work at the site of injection. It is injected where there is excess fat deposited.
Often people think it may work best where there is too much fat and appears as a fatty extension. But this is not exactly true, it can work in any fat deposited area if it is perfectly injected.
Some common areas where the Fat Dissolving Injections are used may include;
- Double Chin
- Abdominal Fat
- Waist region
- Buttock area
- Hips
- Thigh
- Under the chin
- Legs
How long do Fat Dissolving Injections last?
Fat Dissolving Injections is recently being used and there is no such data that can accurately measure the result duration.
However, it is believed that the result persists over time if the person does not gain weight in the meantime.
Try to maintain a perfect hygienic balanced food habit and a healthy lifestyle to avoid weight gain and maintain the result of the Fat Dissolving Injections.
Fat Dissolving Injections for double chin
Fat Dissolving Injections are quite commonly used for double chains. Double jeans are hard to get rid of my normal exercises and it takes intense workouts and habitat to remove the excess fat from your chin area.
Fat Dissolving Injections reduce stress and make the process easy to get rid of the double chin.
To dissolve the fat in your chin area the doctors inject the Fat Dissolving Injection into the chin area without anesthesia by using ice packs sometimes.
This procedure is done in the outpatient department and you can get out of the hospital sometimes after the procedure.
It would take about 6 to 8 weeks to get rid of a double chin if you are on a balanced diet and do not gain more weight during this time window.
Fat Dissolving Injections for the abdomen
Fat Dissolving Injections Are often used for abdominal fats. The abdomen is a common area of Activision and the fate of and become so accessible that it’s become difficult to get rid of the fat through exercise and diet.
To get rid of abdominal fats the Fat Dissolving Injection should be injected into the abdominal region.
After certain. You may notice all volumes of fat in your abdominal area.
Are Fat Dissolving Injections safe?
Certain Fat Dissolving Injections such as Kybella are considered safe by FDA.
There are some side effects you may experience after applying the fat dissolving injections such as;
- Redness
- Pain
- Swelling
- Allergic reactions such as itching etc.
Fat Dissolving Injections vs exercise
Fat Dissolving Injections and exercise work differently. Exercise helps to reduce the overall body fat while the injections dissolve the facts of a particular region where it is injected.
Exercise takes passion and hard work and irregularity to lose weight as well as lose unwanted fat from the body.
Everybody may not able to perform exercises daily and maintain a good overall figure.
Some people may be suffering from a huge amount of unwanted fats and they need some supplementary help along with exercise.
However, both exercises and Fat Dissolving Injections together can bring some outstanding results.
Fat Dissolving Injections vs weight loss pills
Fat Dissolving Injections Are not similar to weight loss pills. Weight loss pills or drugs activated a different mechanism of the body that increases the metabolism process of your body and helps you to lose excess fats and weight.
On the other hand, the Fat Dissolving Injections are designed to destroy access and unwanted fat from a particular region of the body. It mimics a normal intestinal fat digestion process end different from weight loss drugs.
Fat Dissolving Injections vs liposuction surgeries
Fat Dissolving Injections and liposuction surgery are quite different. Little section surgery is done in the operation theatre to remove the excess fats from a particular region by a surgeon.
Fat Dissolving Injection Procedure can be done in the outpatient department.
Liposuction surgery needs quite a recovery period and has to maintain some instructions as post-operative care while the Fat Dissolving Injection receiver can leave the hospital after some time and does not need to follow such instructions.
Liposuction surgery does not apply to everyone and is done when there is a lack of other options.
Cost of Fat Dissolving Injections
The average cost of a session of Fat Dissolving Injection Kybella is around $1200-$1800. It may differ according to the states, hospital facilities, and patient conditions.
The factors influencing the cost of Fat Dissolving Injections may include;
- Injection price
- Number of shots needed
- Geographic location
- Hospital facilities
- The condition of the patient
- Other complications
- Doctors fee
- Medications if needed etc.
Benefits of Fat Dissolving Injections
The benefit of a Fat Dissolving Injection it’s not only the change of the outlook, it also improves your health condition.
We all know obesity can lead to multiple medical complications and even can be life threatening sometimes. Fat Dissolving Injections help you to get rid of excess fat which helps you to improve your health and lifestyle.
Getting rid of fats often gives you the confidence your lack and improves your appearance. Sometimes it also helps to pursue your passion and career.
Fat Dissolving Injections Add certain chemicals that are injected underneath the skin of a fatty area that dissolves the excess fat by a normal metabolic process.
Fat dissolving injections are quick procedures and can be done in the outpatient department of a hospital and it does not require any boost operative care.
Fat Dissolving Injections are considered safe for most of the person still consult with your doctor to get more information about your condition and its safety and tolerability.
Last Updated on August 26, 2022 by Learn From Doctor Team