Corn Vs Wart | How To Differentiate

Learn From Doctor Team
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Corn Vs Wart Overview

Corn vs wart is a common confusion while you have noticed a bump on your feet. Despite similar appearance, corn and wart are different.

Warts are also known as verrucas. Both corn and wart appear in the same areas of the feet. That’s why people often get confused.

However, warts can appear in any part of the body, while corns only occur in the feet.

In this article, corn vs wart is fully differentiated and classified.

What is a Wart?

Warts are small skin growth that mostly occurs on feet. However, it can occur anywhere in the body. Hands and fingers are other common sites of wart occurrence.

Warts (verruca) occurs due to human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a sexually transmitted infection (STI). it can spread by direct and indirect contact.

Warts don’t show up immediately after virus exposure. Sometimes it takes as long as six months to appear after HPV exposure.

People with strong immunity may not notice any warts even after HPV exposure. This is because their body’s immune system fights well against this virus.

Warts are painful to touch. When they occur in feet, it’s painful to walk then. Warts usually go away on their own, but it takes time.

Wart and corn are quite similar. Wart is small bumps with, grainy appearance. If you touch the wart, it would feel rough, and you can notice a black spot on the top of the wart.

Warts can be white or flesh color with a black dot on the top.

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What is a Corn?

Corn is a thick layer of skin that is produced due to the constant pressure of rough friction. It occurs mostly in the feet and toe.

Weight lifters, rickshaw pullers, day laborers experience corn on their hands due to constant friction and pressure.

Corns are raised dry, hard and rough bumps. There is not any black dot on the top of the corn.

Corns are caused by pressure and friction. Any virus or bacteria do not cause it. So, corns are not contagious.

Corn on feet
Corn on feet

The possible causes of corns may include;

  • Wearing too tight or too loose shoes
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes for a prolonged time
  • Heavy lifters
  • Hillclimbers

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Similarities Between Corn and Wart

  • Both are small, rough, skin bumps
  • Usually occurs in feet and hand
  • Painful to touch
  • Almost same appearance
Wart anatomy
Wart anatomy

Differences Between Corn and Wart

Warts Corns
Can occur anywhere in the body Mostly occurs in the feet
Rough skin bumps with a black dot on the top Hard and rough skin bump
Caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) Caused by friction and pressure

How To Tell If You Have A Corn or Wart at Home

Some key factors help to differentiate corn and wart at home.

Onset of Occurrence

Warts occur rapidly. It occurs due to human papillomavirus infection. Usually, multiple warts occur a few days after the virus exposure.

Sometimes, it takes up to six months after the exposure to occur.

On the other hand, corns take time to develop. Constant pressure and friction in one area cause the corn.

Area of Occurrence

Warts can occur anywhere in your food, while the corns occur in the pressure and friction point.

Warts usually occur on the heel or ball of the foot.

Area of occurrence differs because warts occur due to virus infection and corns are due to pressure and friction.

Corns usually occur at the top of the toe or the friction point. Rarely occurs in the heel or ball of the foot.

The Push and Squeeze Test

Corns are more painful while you are applying direct pressure into them by pushing them.

On the other hand, warts are not painful while pushing them. However, warts are painful while you are squeezing them side to side.

Black Dot

Warts are characterized by a black dot on the top of the bump. On the other hand, corns are rough, thick skin without any black dot.

Corn vs Wart Treatment Procedure

The treatment procedures of corn and wart are quite different.

Treatment of Warts

Wart usually does not need treatment and goes away on their own. But it takes six months to 2 years.

To get rid of this painful situation, consult with your doctor. Your doctor may recommend you one of the following methods;

  • 6% topical salicylic acid gel/ cream for a specific duration
  • Liquid nitrogen to freeze the wart
  • Laser removal of the wart
  • Surgical removal of the wart

The doctor usually prescribes you 6% salicylic acid paste and recommends you to use it once every day until the wart fade away.

Healing process of a wart
Healing process of a wart

In very few circumstances, doctors recommend laser removal or surgical removal.

Laser removal of warts
Laser removal of warts

Home Remedy

A home remedy for warts is not proven. Few people use duct tape over the wart and keep that for a week.

After that, remove the duct tape and use warm water to remove the dead cells of the wart.

Note: Consult with your doctor before trying anything.

Treatment of Corns

The first step of corns treatment is to prevent further pressure and friction to the spot. Some doctor recommends special shoes filled with fluid that prevents friction and pressure.

Home Remedies

  • Apply moisturizer on and around the corn to soften the skin
  • Keep your feet in slightly warm water for some time, then gently rub the corn with a pumice stone

If your corn is painful, then consult with your doctor. He will remove the corn in his chamber by a non-invasive procedure.

Who are at Risk of Corn or Wart?

Corns and Warts can occur in anybody. Still, some people are more likely to be affected by them.

As warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), the immunocompromised person is at great risk of developing warts such as;

  • Children
  • Young Adults
  • Immunosuppressed people such as HIV patients

Corns are caused by constant pressure and friction on feet or hands. The people who are at risk of corns may include;

  • Physical workers
  • Day labors
  • Runners
  • Slipper users
  • Heavy lifters

Prevention of plantar Wart Vs Corn

Preventing methods of corns and warts are not similar.

Prevention Method of Warts

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is responsible for warts. To prevent it, avoid physical contact with the person who has warts, such as a handshake, cuddling, hugs, etc.

Do not share nail cutters, towels, and other personal belongings with the person who has warts.

If you have warts on your feet, then do not scratch them. It will spread warts to the other parts of your body.

Prevention Method of Corns

Make sure that your shoes are not too tight or not too large. Using unfit shoes are one of the main reason for occurring corns.

If you are a heavy lifter or physical worker, use moisturizer at the end of the day.

If you are a runner, then use soft padded shoes designed for the long run.

Corn Vs Wart Summery

Despite corn and wart looking similar, they are entirely different. Warts are caused by a virus named human papillomavirus (HPV).

On the other hand, corns are caused by constant pressure and friction in an area.

Warts can appear anywhere in the body, while corns occur mostly in the feet (plantar warts)

The treatment process and prevention of them are also different.

Last Updated on February 23, 2022 by Learn From Doctor Team

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