Butt Implants | Benefits, Risks & More

Learn From Doctor Team
Learn From Doctor Team is made up of well-qualified doctors of different fields with brilliant academic results and professional careers. The article is written and reviewed by doctors of this specialty.

Butt Implants Overview

Butt implants are artificial substances or materials planted in the buttock to improve the buttock’s size, shape, and volume. Silicon and fat transfer methods are popular butt implant methods. 

Butt implants are also termed butt augmentation. If your butt is not round, small, or droopy, you may consider butt implants. 

Butt implants may improve the volume and size of your butt, but there are some side effects of this procedure. You should know them and consult with your doctor for a better view. 

Plastic surgeons perform the butt implants procedure. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the butt augmentation rate increased about 252% between 2000 and 2015.


Best Candidates For Butt Implants

There are some criteria for butt implants. If you meet those criteria, then your doctor may pick you as an ideal candidate. These criteria may include;

  • You are a healthy person
  • You don’t have any underlying medical condition
  • You are uncomfortable with your butt size
  • Your butt is not round
  • You have asymmetrical butt
  • Your expectations are realistic

Sometimes you may need an additional procedure such as a butt lift to get the result. Your surgeon will recommend that. 

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Benefits of Butt Implants

If your butt is too small, then you will get the best benefit out of this surgery. This process increases the size of your butt and improves your shape. 

Using silicon to increase the volume of the butt is the common method. Silicon provides volume to your butt and gets in shape. For those who want a round-shaped butt, this procedure may help you. 

Butt lift is a separate procedure, but if you want butt lift and get rid of a small-sized butt, a butt implant is the best option.

Butt implants may give you the confidence, look, and appearance that you desired. 


Risks and Complications of Butt Implants

The butt implants procedure is considered a safe procedure. Still there are some risks and potential complications that may arise after the procedure. 

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 95.6% of women are satisfied after a butt implants procedure. 

The possible risks and complications may include;

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Pain
  • Scarring
  • Pulmonary and cardiac complications
  • Fat necrosis
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Seroma
  • Infection
  • Numbness
  • Poor healing
  • Allergic reaction
  • Anesthesia risks
  • Skin discoloration
  • Looseness of the skin

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Some other complications are;

  • The silicone implant may move from the place where it’s placed and gives you an unnatural appearance.
  • The fat grafted for this procedure can be absorbed by the body and give an uneven shape to the buttock. 

Note: The FDA has not approved any kind of injection for a cosmetic procedure, including silicone and hydrosol. 


The FDA considered these injections and procedures can cause serious complications and are not safe for health. 

So, all the injections used for the cosmetic procedure are not labeled by FDA. 


Consultation For Butt Implants

The consultation is important to get the best result. You have to be prepared for the consultation. You have to discuss;

  • Your expectation
  • Your health condition
  • Drug history, Allergy history, smoking history
  • If you are taking any medications, including supplements
  • Any previous surgeries
  • Family history of cancer and specific diseases

During the consultation, the doctor will also

  • Evaluate your physical health condition
  • Examine and measure your body
  • Examine your buttock
  • Take a photograph of your buttock
  • Measure your weight, blood pressure, and other general examinations
the surgeon will examine your butt during consultation for butt implants procedure
the surgeon will examine your butt during consultation for butt implants procedure

The doctor may also give you some tests, that may include;

  • Blood tests
  • X-ray
  • CT Scans

After evaluating everything, the doctor will discuss;

  • If you are an ideal candidate
  • The course of treatment
  • What options do you have
  • The risks and complications
  • The cost of the procedure
  • The result and recovery

If you can express your expectations appropriately, you may get the best result from the surgery. However, do not hesitate to ask about your concerns. 

While the doctor inspecting your butt area, if you feel any pain or physical discomfort, let the doctor know about it. 

Questions To Ask The Surgeon During The Consultation of Butt Implants

  • Is he a certified plastic surgeon?
  • Is he a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons?
  • How many years of training does he have?
  • How many years of experience does he have?
  • Where will be the surgery be done? Is it in a hospital or doctor’s chamber with a surgical facility?
  • Are you an ideal candidate for this surgery?
  • What is the procedure of the surgery in brief?
  • What are the possible side effects?
  • Is the result permanent?
  • Will there be scars or incision marks?
  • How is the complication treated?
  • What is the total cost of the procedure?
  • What if you don’t like your result?
  • How long is the recovery period?
  • Do you have before and after photos of this surgery done by him?
  • Can you participate in sexual intercourse without any complications in the future?
  • Will the result be natural-looking?

If you have any other questions in mind, feel free to ask them to the surgeon. 

Ask about the risks and benefits and discuss all of them freely. The doctor will explain how this process works in simple words. Try to focus and understand. 

If you don’t like the result of your surgery, you may have to undergo revision surgery to get the best result. Discuss with the doctor. 

Preparation For Butt Implants Surgery

The preparation of any surgery plays a vital role in getting the best result out of it. 

For the preparation of butt implants procedure, you may have to;

  • Do some tests
  • Take certain medications for some duration
  • Avoid smoking
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Avoid certain medications
  • You may have to shower with specific surgical soap the day before surgery

Your doctor may provide you some instructions to follow before the surgery. Follow them to get the best outcome. 

Butt implants are usually performed in an outpatient department of the hospital. Make sure someone is driving you to the hospital and drive you back. 


Butt Implants Procedures

Before The Procedure

Someone will drive you to the hospital. However, there are some steps you have to follow before entering the Operation Theatre.

  • You have to wear a gown provided by the nurse
  • You have to remove jewelry if you have any
  • You have to remove your undergarments
  • The doctor may give you specific medication before the procedure
  • Your blood pressure will be recorded
  • Chest plugs for the ECG machine will be applied to your chest for constant monitoring. 
  • A pulse oximeter will be used to monitor your oxygen level during the procedure.

During The Procedure

Butt implants are focused on increasing the volume of the butt and make it round. Multiple procedures can be followed by the surgeon the get the best result. 

Fat Transfer Method

This is a widely used method for butt implants because it has multiple benefits. This procedure is also known as Brazilian butt lift. 

Fat is collected from thigh, and abdomen for injecting into the butt

In this procedure, the surgeon collects fats from other body parts such as the abdomen and thigh. Then injects those fats into your buttock. Silicon is also used combined with fat to get the maximum result and natural-looking appearance.  

Sculptra Butt Lift Method

In this method, the doctor injects Sculptra into your butt. It increases the volume of your butt slightly. But within a month, your body uses this substance and produces collagen that may increase the volume of your butt naturally and significantly. 

This procedure needs multiple sessions to get the best result. It is also quite an expensive procedure. 

This procedure does not take much time and doesn’t require a surgical facility. It can be done in a doctor’s office. 

Hydrogel and Silicone Injection Method

You may hear about this method as it is quite a cheap and easy procedure. 

In this procedure, the doctor injects hydrogel into your butt to increase the volume. 

According to your preference, expectation, and health condition, the doctor may inject silicone into your butt. 

These procedures do not require a surgical facility and can be done in a doctor’s chamber. 

The FDA doesn’t approve hydrogel or silicone injection for any cosmetic procedure. These substances are dangerous. Know and discuss the risks and complications. 

Silicone Implants

Silicon implants are different than silicon injections. In this procedure, solid silicon is placed inside your butt cheeks by creating incisions. This procedure increases the volume of the butt and improves the overall shape. 

The Silicon implant method is considered safe and effective

Sometimes, the silicone implant method is combined with grafting to get the best result out of it. Your surgeon may recommend the combined method if your butt condition demands that. 

Usually, silicone implants are done when the Brazilian butt lift (fat transfer method) doesn’t work.

This procedure needs a longer recovery period. 

Liposuction Method

Liposuction is an additional procedure. It’s done to get the buttock a proper round shape. The procedure removes the extra fatty tissues around the butt. 

It gives the butt extra contour and shape. This method also helps to reduce weight. 

After The Procedure

Some methods require you to stay in the post-operative area for a few hours. On the other hand, some methods are done in the outpatient department, and you can go home after some time of the procedure is done. 

Make sure there is somebody who can drive you back. 

You may feel temporary numbness in your butt area because of anesthesia. 


The Recovery

Bandage and dressings will be applied to your butt area for healing. In addition, a collection tube may be placed into your butt to collect fluid temporarily. 

You may have to stay in the post-surgical department for close monitoring. 

You will be provided surgical garments to wear. In addition, your surgeon will give you some instructions to follow during the recovery period. 

These instructions may include;

  • Taking certain medications
  • Avoiding certain medications
  • Using specific soap
  • Avoid water in the butt for a day
  • How to care for the draining 
  • When to follow up
  • Avoiding physical activities for three days
  • Avoiding heavy lifting for some days

The recovery period depends on which method is being used. For example, the silicon grafting method takes about four weeks to get fully recovered. 

Emergency Situations

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Unusual pain
  • Any sign of infection
  • Pus leaking
  • Fluid leaking
  • Allergic reactions

If you notice any of the emergency signs, contact your doctor right away. 


The Result

The result of the butt implants is noticeable right after the surgery. But the best result will be noticeable after the recovery period. 

The Fat transfer and silicon injection methods take some time(usually a month) to bring the result. 

Fat transfer butt implant method
Fat transfer butt implant method

You should maintain the instructions provided by the doctor to follow during the recovery period to get the best result. 

  • Your butt volume and size will be increased
  • The shape will be round
  • The contour of your butt will be in good shape
  • The excess fatty tissues around the butt are gone
  • Your butt skin will glow up. 

If you are not satisfied with your result after complete recovery, you can undergo a revision procedure to correct the conditions and get your expected outcomes. 

The result of butt implants is permanent. The natural aging process will lose the skin and contour over time naturally. 


Butt Implants Cost

The average butt implant cost, including the surgeon’s fee, is $10000. This is not the final cost.

The final butt implant cost may include;

  • Anesthesia fee
  • Medication costs
  • Surgical facility cost

The butt implants cost also varies according to your location. Ask your surgeon to get the total cost of the procedure. 

Butt implants are a cosmetic procedure and are not covered by insurance. However, some hospitals provide EMI facilities for this surgery. Talk to your surgeon to get a better view. 


Butt Implants Before And After

Butt implants before and after


Butt Implants Summary

Butt implants are getting popular because of their benefits and safety. 

Butt implants may provide you with the appearance you desired, but do not overlook the side effects and possible complications. 

Choose the best method, do not go for the cheapest methods. 

Make sure you have seen the before and after photos done by the surgeon before undergoing this procedure. 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How are butt implants done?

Butt implants can be done by multiple methods. Among them, the fat transfer method and silicone implants are the most common.

How much are butt implants?

The average cost for butt implants is $10000. It varies from state to state, country to country.

How do butt implants work?

They will increase the volume of your butt and make them look round.

How to spot butt implants?

They are hard to spot. You can look for incision marks.

Last Updated on February 23, 2022 by Learn From Doctor Team

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